Elizabeth Ann Manhart Barrett
Power as Knowing Participation in Change Grant
This grant is awarded by the Society of Rogerian Scholars (SRS) Martha E. Rogers Scholars Fund in memory of Elizabeth Ann Manhart Barrett, PhD, RN-BC, LMHC, FAAN, a co-founder and inaugural President of the SRS and co-founder MER Scholars Fund, nurse theorist, researcher, educator, and clinician. The MER Scholars Fund seeks proposals for the Elizabeth Ann Manhart Barrett Grant consistent with the following purpose:
To support continued testing, application, evaluation of impact, and policy implications of Barrett’s Power as Knowing Participation in Change Theory.
A grant award of up to $ 2,000 will be provided for funded projects. A maximum of two grants may be awarded in each funding period. Projects addressing the grant purpose may include research, clinical and educational projects, and policy applications in any population or setting.
Time Frame
Grant applications are due by September 1, annually.
Review Process
Completed work is expected to be disseminated in the literature and be presented at a Society of Rogerian Scholars Conference.
Blind review will be conducted by three (3) reviewers. Notification of funding will be communicated to the grant submitter in writing on or about October 31.
All SRS members with proposals that are consistent with the grant purpose and meet the criteria. Others may submit; however, membership is required for funding. Information about membership can be found at: https://www.societyofrogerianscholars.org
For further questions regarding the grant contact Dr. Malinski at viomalin@optimum.net
The Elizabeth Ann Manhart Barrett Grant Award is made possible by contributions to the Martha E. Rogers Scholars Fund.
Contributions can be sent to:
Tina Reinckens, Treasurer, 7060 Bay Woods Lake Court #101, Fort Meyers, FL 33908.
Place, “EAM Barrett Grant” in the note or check memo area.