Visions: History
and New Directions
Scholarship of Rogerian Nursing Science
Visions: The Journal of Rogerian Nursing Science was established as the official journal of the Society of Rogerian Scholars (SRS) in 1993, providing readers with essential knowledge about Martha E. Rogers’ Science of Unitary Human Beings (SUHB). Visions was founded as a peer reviewed journal by Violet M. Malinski, RN; PhD and Sheila Cheema, RN; PhD. The journal has always aimed to assist scholars who are interested in discovering, understanding, and disseminating nursing knowledge related to SUHB. Visions has been indexed in the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) since its inception. The 27 volumes of Visions (1993-2021) can be found on the SRS website (
Long standing goals of Visions have been to secure a publisher; become indexed in MEDLINE; and become indexed in the Science Citation Index to receive a Journal Impact Factor (JIF). These goals have been achieved with a new partnership with Advances in Nursing Science (ANS). In this collaboration, each issue of ANS will expandby 15 to 20 pages–these pages will be devoted to one article that remains true to the purpose of discovering, understanding, and disseminating nursing knowledge based on a perspective related to Rogers’ SUHB. The section in ANS will be titled Visions: Scholarship of Rogerian Nursing Science. The section will be branded with a custom logo that will be at the top of the first page of the article, above the title. The article will have a place of pride in ANS as the last article in the issue–it is well known that the most widely read articles in any journal are the first and last ones. Further, on the table of contents, the title of the article will be preceded by the word “Visions:” so readers will immediately know which article is the Visions: Scholarship of Rogerian Nursing Science article in the issue. Visions will maintain its own editor, editorial board, and peer review panel. These experts in SUHB will continue to ensure that only the most current and comprehensive manuscripts that help to improve the understanding of Rogerian Science are published in Visions: Scholarship of Rogerian Nursing Science in ANS.
By virtue of this collaboration, articles published in Visions: Scholarship of Rogerian Nursing Science will be indexed in MEDLINE, Scopus, Ovid, and CINAHL. For promotion, Visions: Scholarship of Rogerian Nursing Science can identify the Journal Impact Factor of ANS (currently 2.147) as well as membership in COPE: The Committee on Publication Ethics. Upon publication of each issue, the table of contents of ANS is sent to all subscribers (at present in excess of 3200), further expanding the reach and visibility of Visions: Scholarship of Rogerian Nursing Science. Visions articles on the ANS website will:
Be presented with an Altmetric donut;
Have keywords highlighted;
Be linked to searches for similar articles;
Have the opportunity for authors to create video abstracts or be featured in the ANS Blog.
Authors will have the option to choose having their article published as open access through the hybrid model used by ANS. When appropriate, the article may be highlighted as a “Featured Article” on the ANS website. Lippincott/Wolters Kluwer will be the publisher of record for Visions: Scholarship of Rogerian Nursing Science. The ISSN for ANS is 0161-9268 (print) and 1550-5014 (online).
Members in good standing of the Society of Rogerian Scholars will receive access to the online version of ANS as well as a print copy in the mail as a member benefit.
Manuscripts submitted to Visions: Scholarship of Rogerian Nursing Science should be papers that contribute significantly to a perspective based on Martha E. Rogers’ Science of Unitary Human Beings. Research reports, concept analyses, reviews, and theoretical or philosophic discussion papers focused on SUHB are welcome. Papers submitted for consideration in Visions: Scholarship of Rogerian Nursing Science must be original, not previously published, and not under consideration for publication by any other journal. Guidelines for ANS articles regarding style, presentation, length, formatting, references, tables, figures, supplemental digital content, originality, and permissions apply to articles submitted for Visions: Scholarship of Rogerian Nursing Science. Manuscripts should be submitted through Editorial Manager and identified for consideration as a Visions paper. All manuscripts will undergo peer review. The final decision for publication will be made by the Editor. Detailed guidelines for authors are available at the ANS website.
Editorial Board
Elizabeth A. M. Barrett, RN; PhD; FAAN
Howard K. Butcher, RN; PhD, PMHCNS-BC
W. Richard Cowling III, RN; PhD; FAAN
Arlene T. Farren, RN; PhD; AOCN, CTN-A, CNE
Sonya R. Hardin, RN; PhD; CCRN, APRN
Violet Malinski, RN; PhD
Peer Reviewers
Martha Raile Alligood, RN; PhD; ANEF
Jacqueline Fawcett, RN; PhD; FAAN
Nancey France, RN; PhD
Pamela Reed, RN; PhD; FAAN
Pamela J. Reis, PhD, CNM, NNP-BC
Nancy Sharts-Hopko, RN; PhD; FAAN
Marlaine Smith, RN; PhD; FAAN
Dorothy Woods Smith, RN; PhD
Barbara Wright, RN; PhD; FAAN
Lisa Heelan-Fancher, Ph.D., FNP-BC, CNE
Latest Release
Volume 27
Vol. 27 Issue 1: A Quasi-experimental Study of a Health Patterning Modality and Power in Haitian Primary Caregivers
Vol. 27 Issue 2: Early Labor Support: A Scoping Review Guided by Rogers' Science of Unitary Human Beings
Vol. 27 Issue 3: The Society of Rogerian Scholars’ Martha E. Rogers Scholars Fund: 27 Years of Philanthropy
Vol. 27 Issue 4: Living Rogerian Unitary Nursing Science in Tumultuous Times and Teaching Our Next Generation With Healing Stories
Past Volumes
Volume 1: 1993
Volume 2: 1994
Volume 3: 1995
Volume 4: 1996
Volume 5: 1997
Volume 6: 1998
Volume 7: 1999
Volume 8: 2000
Volume 9: 2001
Volume 10: 2002
Volume 11: 2003
Volume 12: 2004
Volume 13: 2005
Volume 14: 2006
Volume 15: 2008
Volume 15: 2008 #2
Volume 16: 2009
Volume 17: 2010
Volume 18: 2011
Volume 19: 2012
Volume 20: 2013/2014
Volume 21: 2015
Volume 22: 2016
Volume 23: 2017
Volume 23: 2017 #2
Volume 24: 2018 #1
Volume 24: 2018 #2
Margaret Newman: Legacy and Impact (Dec 2018)
Volume 25: 2019 #1
Volume 25: 2019 #2
Volume 26: 2020 #1
Volume 26: 2020 #2
Volume 26: 2020 #3
Volume 26: 2020 #4